Photograph collection of the recollection in 2000

January 16
This day, WAKEN became 2 years old. As for he the usage of a spoon and fork became skillful mostly. He ate the dinner of celebration well and became a full stomach.
February 6
Our house is under construction now. The edge materials of it become WAKEN's toy! He is playing with building blocks seriously by using it. Those are the material that painted only persimmon tannin. Therefore the material is safe because internal secretion system disturbance chemical substance does not include it. (*^_^*)
February 25
WAKEN entered into the washing basket from a self and became good mood. However, it may be only a period really that he can enter into small basket like this. His clothes and shoes are becoming small quickly. We are joyful and lonely.
March 8
On March 3 WAKEN was weaned at last. However, he can not give up yet and he complain of "OPPAIYAH! (I want to drink mother's milk)".
Down   Up

April 23
DAIZEN, KAORI, SEIYA and WAKEN climbed in Mt. KUROMIDAKE. This day was the fine weather. However, we were likely to fly, because wind was strong. WAKEN was eating ONIGIRI (boiled rice) while trembling to the cold.
May 26
Is WAKEN receiving the special education for the gifted? He is playing the electron piano with a serious facial expression. DAIZEN was playing a piano from 6 years old. KAORI is not able to play a keyed instrument. She said "Let's do the Practice of the play of a piano with WAKEN".
July 12
WAKEN likes very much to play with water! He is playing cheerfully alone in a tub that put in water. However, he sometimes drinks the dirty water in the tub. He will grow up to the strong child who is not defeated to a bacterium probably. (^_^;
Down   Up

August 20
He is liking the motorbike of the toy that was presented from our friend recently. He was only pushing it without being able to get on it, before. However, recently he rides on it and became possible to go to a moderate far place.
September 14
WAKEN does a walk with HANA vigorously on barefoot. He is safe even if he walks a gravel way on barefoot because the sole of a foot became hard. Recently, he has come to be said clearly "OTOHCHAN (papa), OKAHCHAN (mamma)". We a correct conversation the day when is possible with him will come soon. May be it will come soon when we do a correct conversation with him.
November 5
WAKEN chases MIMI of the cat and sometimes penetrate to the middle of the forest on barefoot. We wish that he is not bitten to a MAMUSHI (viper).

November 8
WAKEN gets excited and was exclaiming "KINOKO (mushroom)". There over 8 inches of big mushrooms were growing. We ate it with an evening meal and it was very delicious. He ate it deliciously, too.
December 10
YAKUSHIMA is warm this winter unusually. One day, we went to the sea. Then WAKEN took off the clothes from a self and entered into the sea. He likes water very much! Even this year he will not catch a cold.
December 27
We went to YAKU-SUGI museum with WAKEN. He got on the exhibit with a triumphant air while we take our eyes off him for a moment. The situation was so funny, we have forgotten to get angry.