Photograph collection of the recollection in 2001

January 18
January 27
Wow! Shiitakes grew full! I am not eaten many such.
April 10
WAKEN became able to use the chopsticks finally. Although we did not show the usage to him seeing that we are using it he seems to have learned naturally. However, the time may be necessary for a while, in order that he becomes able to use it properly.
Down   Up

June 6
June 19
WAKEN dislikes that cleans a tooth usually, very much. However, he cleaned a tooth with his friend actively today.
August 20


September 13
September 30
December 15
December 19
WAKEN makes tea seriously sometimes. When he is making tea, you will not be believed that he is naughty. Be not you seen as he is the manner readily? Way of putting in of his tea was good manners.