The rescue dog camp in Lake BIWA-KO
(Nov. 16, 2000)
The dog discovered "the drowning body odor capsule" that was hidden into water.
(Nov. 18, 2000)
Sue became a dog and Marcia became a handler, and demonstrated imitation search.
(Nov. 18, 2000)
The KAI-KEN is the first rescue dog in a Japanese dog. And he is the handler of the dog.
"The rescue dog water search training camp" was carried out on the side of Lake BIWA-KO from November 15 to 19th in 2000.

The instructors were Mrs. Marcia Koenig of former chairman "The Entire United States Search Rescue Organization Rescue Dog Committee" and Mrs. Sue Williams which has an abundant experience and knowledge regarding Search of the disaster by water. They did the lecture and lesson of very abundant contents. I could learn "training of the rescue dog" and "basis that keeps company with the dog" etc., a lot of case with this camp. I thank sincerely to instructors and everybody of the person concerned.

I participated as the volunteer activities staff in this camp and did the operation of boat, and diving. Also I participated as all the schedules, field trip trainees. Until the dog discovers me, I felt it very long in the underwater of Lake Biwa, because there was muddy and cold. Also, I used the nerve very much when I operated the boat. It is because it becomes a serious case if the diver who is in the water is involved.
(Nov. 18, 2000)
The KAI-KEN "SUGURI" got on the boat and did search training.

I did the guide of this summer, the rescue dog group that entered into the search of the victim into the mountain of YAKUSHIMA, and participated in this camp with the relation. As for YAKUSHIMA, there are many mountains accidents. The introduction of the rescue dog is conceivable as one of a safe measure. The upgrading of the mountain path is one of a safe measure. However, it might become "a dangerous measure" for the mountain, when we mistake the method of upgrading. Actually, as for the present upgrading, there are many minus faces for mountains.

If a cable car or ropeway were made, even the person who is not doing the person and mountain climbing equipment who do not become tame with a mountain can enter easily to the middle of a mountain. There is the danger that meets with a disaster if they move a little bit from there. For example the accident that occurred with Mt. ADATARA-YAMA of FUKUSHIMA Pref. the other day is it. Also, there is the possibility that invites the large disaster like the cable car accident of Austria.

"Training of a human" is important more "training of a dog" in the training of the rescue dog. The physical strength and advanced technology are necessary in mountains search especially. We always will need to train. Also we should pay attention to the eco-tour that a professional guide does, to defend nature and for safety. Nature and local people and traveler can obtain a big profit by ecotourism is recognized to people.


(Nov. 18, 2000)
Auction of the goods regarding a dog

(Nov. 18, 2000)

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