In 2001 KARI's healthy control and training diary

Jan. 12 She was injected the first vaccination (Distemper etc.).
Jan. 23 She was together with her mother dog Merue.
Jan. 27 She was excited in snow.
Feb. 3 She has lived with her mother dog, brother sisters until this day. However, from this day she came to our place which is a new keeper. Her bait is Solid Gold (for puppy). It is she, her mother dog Merue, her father dog SUGURI from the left.
Feb. 5 It is on the NAKATAJIMA sand hill of Hamamatsu, in the return way from Tokyo.
Feb. 13 She was injected the 2nd vaccination (Distemper etc.).
Mar. 10 She has taken the stick in the river.
Mar. 12 She felt an interest in the centipede that she saw for the first time.
Mar. 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog. She had 5.12 kg of weight.
Apr. 1 She was applied the extermination medicine of a flea and tick.
Apr. 4 She crossed a ladder well.
Apr. 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog. She had 12.2 kg of weight.
Apr. 28 We received a pedigree from keeper of her mother dog Merue.
May 1 She was applied the extermination medicine of a flea and tick.
May 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog. She had 14.4 kg of weight.
Late in May We changed her bait from Solid Gold (for puppy) to Solid Gold Hund-N-Flocken (for adult).
Jun. 1 She was applied the extermination medicine of a flea and tick.
Jun. 14 She became the first breeding season.
Jun. 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog. She had 16kg kg of weight.
Jun. 30 She did a mating with other dogs.
Jul. 1 She was applied the extermination medicine of a flea and tick.
Jul. 4/6/8 She was injected the medicine of abortion 3 times. She had 17 kg of weight.
Jul. 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog.
From late in Jul. Breeding season ended. She almost have come to be possible a fundamental action. We enter into the mountain with her for training.
Jul. 31 She was injected the vaccination of rabies. She was applied the extermination medicine of a flea and tick.
Aug. 2 We changed her bait from Solid Gold Hund-N-Flocken to Solid Gold Herbal Flavored.
Aug. 14 She like very much to get on a kayak. She howled when she is left in a shore. We taught that barks at her by utilizing the case.
Aug. 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog.
Sep. 3 She was applied the extermination medicine of a flea and tick.
Sep. 12 When I command to her as "Go!", she jumped in the river.
Sep. 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog.
From Sep. 29 to Oct. 2 We went to KAGOSHIMA City by the cargo ferry and did training in the city after a long time. We bought the training article such as a flexible lead. She played with our son "WAKEN" in the ISO beach in KAGOSHIMA City.
Oct. 2 She was applied the extermination medicine of a flea and tick.
Oct. 16 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog.
Oct. 19 She was buried the estrous control medicine under the neck skin (term of validity 2 years).
Nov. 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog.
Dec. 8 She was 1 years old. We climbed at the Mt. TACHUH-DAKE (Height 4911 feet) and trained.
Dec. 15 She was given the preventive of filaria disease of a dog.
Dec. 27 The rescue dog requires the training that adapts to various environment. Even this is training.